The Costs Of Filing For Bankruptcy And Your Options When You Cannot Afford It

Bankruptcy is something that can help you find relief from debts, but it is not free to use. There are costs associated with it, and the costs of bankruptcy often stop people from using it as they cannot afford it. If you really need help financially and are considering bankruptcy, it is important to understand the costs you may face as well as options you have for paying for your case. Read More 

New Year, New Financial You? 4 Big Benefits Of Filing For Bankruptcy In 2020

While the circumstances surround a bankruptcy aren't typically cause for rejoicing, there are ways you benefit and things to look forward to. Especially with the start of a new year, you can redefine yourself, financially, leading to less stress, lower debt and, at long last, some optimism in your life. 1. You Come Clean Living under a mountain of debt, trying to balance your frail finances, and hiding the dire circumstances from others and yourself is quite a burden to bear. Read More 

Why You Should Use A Bankruptcy Lawyer

Are you suffering a financial hardship and feel that you need to use bankruptcy to get out of it? If so, it is always best to use a bankruptcy lawyer to help you through the process. With their help, you'll be guided through the process so it goes smoothly. Here are some of the reasons to use a bankruptcy lawyer. Determining If Bankruptcy Will Be Best The beginning of the bankruptcy process is often the most confusing aspect of it. Read More 

How Is The Payment Calculated In A Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Case?

As you are gathering up your documents and working with your bankruptcy lawyer on a Chapter 13 plan, you will probably be wondering how much of your paychecks you will have to pay for the payment on the plan each month. This is a good question to ask your lawyer, and the answer to this will be different for each case. Here are the factors your lawyer will use in determining the payment amount he or she presents to the court for your Chapter 13 case. Read More 

How To Emotionally Survive Your Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be an emotional process, so the thought of going to court for it can be upsetting for some. The process can also be very time-consuming. If you are having some anxiety about going through the bankruptcy process, keep the following in mind: Get Everything Prepared One way to make the process less stressful is to be prepared. You will be required to provide an abundance of paperwork regarding your finances, including copies of your tax returns, bank statements, deeds, proof of your assets, and anything else requested by your attorney. Read More